Wednesday 17 March 2010

Estrada Da Meia Praia - road works

Use it every day!!!!
Its continues to look like a bomb site......The wet weather has delayed works substantially. I am hopeful that the deviations and construction along this section between the Yellow Berlin Wall building and the Vila Galé will be finished before summer.
There is no confirmed news on the upgrading of the rest of the road along Meia Praia. The New Yellow Hotel being built on the site of the old Meia Praia Aqua Hotel site will probably result in further improvement (????) works.
Furthermore, markers have been placed in the past few weeks from the roundabout near Meia Praia halt up over the ridge. Methinks this is probably the start of a new road around the Palmares Golf Course to take vehicular traffic away for said installation.
In all, methinks we are in for another couple of years of construction works!
I have been monitoring the Council Plans and website. It appears that the parking areas along the railway line are safe from substantial construction but there was a rig along there a few weeks ago taking soil samples.