Friday 3 September 2010

Visiting Oeiras

Funny this! Hardly ever anything posted about this!

I'm going to be up in Oeiras tonight for the premiere of «ONNI - Objecto Náutico Não Identificado» directed by John Mowat who also works with Companhia Teatro Chapitu in Lisbon.


This is a comedy/play about the reaction of the native Brazilians to the first Portuguese appearing on the horizon.

The title is a play on the Portuguese acronym OVNI which means UFO. In the play ONNI the title stands for Objecto Náutico Não Identificado or Unidentified Nautical Object.

Don't forget that in Oeiras you are only a few stops by train from the Jeronimos Monastery and Belem with its tower and monument to the Portuguese voyages of Discovery.

You will also need at least 2 days to explore Lisbon.