Saturday 8 January 2011

Algarve Tourism Market - More Competition from Estoril/Cascais.

I was very interested to receive via twitter notification about the following article in the Irish Times about the tourism attractions of the Estoril/Cascais region of the Lisbon Metro Area.

Given the easy access to the area by public transport and the greater range of destinations served by Lisbon Airport, as well as the increasing use of the latter by low costs such as, the potential renaissance of this are as tourist destination is long overdue, but also a great threat to the Algarve travel market.

The reality is that the area has nice beaches, easy and low cost public transport links AND lots of things to do to, including culture. Lisbon is only 30 minutes away by train and  Sintra only 30 minutes by bus.  

As an all round destination package, the region must become an attractive competitor for potential visitors to the Algarve seeking a holiday where they don't have to hire cars, figure out how to use electronic and pay motor tolls, and search around for a greater variety of things to do when they are not on the beach.

See the article here:

I have know the area since I was a kid years ago and I do believe it will become and increasing threat to the Algarve Tourism sector and begin to win a significant level of travel business away from the Algarve as an increasing number of low-costs start to serve Lisbon.