Thursday, 7 March 2013

Monte Gordo/VRSA - Algarve - Highest Occupancy Rates

In an article this afternoon, Sul Informação has reported that in February 2013, the Eastern Algarve region of Monte Gordo/Vila Real Santo Antonio has again registered the highest level of  tourism room occupancy. (based on  figures available from hostelries open at the time of the research.)

See (in portuguese):

This is of concern for other regions of the Algarve as it points to the fact that this region, albeit bordering an economically anemic Spanish Andaluzia, is picking up more business probably because travellers are able to cross the border and access the region without the hassle of the paying the electronic tolls applied to the A22 Via de Infante Algarve arterial highway.

What is good for one region is horribly bad for other regions with areas in the Western Algarve like Lagos seeing drastically lower occupancy rates.

Once again, the negative multiplier economic effect from the ridiculous administrative way in which the electronic tolls on the A22 Via de Infante were applied, is clear to see.

So if you are thinking of visiting the Algarve, consider the Eastern Algarve region.

Fly into Seville, spend a couple of days there, hire a car there, (benefiting the Spanish Economy), pay for slightly cheaper fuel  (benefiting the Spanish Economy), avoid the tolls  and visit the above centres as well as places like Alcoutim, Mertola, Castro Marim and even Beja and Serpa!